This part of the manual breaks down the character sheet you will need to use in order to play DSDN. You are free to use your own tool, but this character sheet has all of the formulas needed to properly keep track of your character and mech activities during the game.
Click here to download character sheet. You must be able to open up a spreadsheet (Excel, Sheets, etc.)
Section 1: Character Information
Name: Enter your character’s name.
Race: Choose your character’s race, Most information in this section will be filled in based on these choices (HP Die, Size, Speed, Advantage, Disadvantage, and Immune/Resistant).
Gender: Choose your character's gender. There are four genders to choose from.
- Profession: There are currently 10 professions from which to choose. Certain professions will grant you accuracy points, advantages, disadvantages, immunities, or resistances.
- Size: This is provided based on your character's race.
- Speed: This is calculated based on your character's race.
- Character Level: This is determined by the number of experience points your character has. You are unable to modify this cell.
Character Experience: These points will determine what level your character will be. You are unable to choose the character level directly, you must enter in the appropriate number of experience points. Turn to the tab/sheet at the bottom of the workbook labeled “Lists”. This sheet will give you the character experience points needed to put you at the level you wish to be. Enter the value using the equal sign, that way as you earn experience points, you can add to this value by adding a plus sign and the number of additional points. For example, if you want to start your character at level 9, enter “=734000”. If you earn 100 experience points, enter “=73400+100”. You need only go up to the formula bar to add the addition sign and the additional points to the original value.
HP Die: This is determined by your race.
Total HP Dice: Your character level determines how many of the HP Die you will roll. If you are beginning the game at level 5, and you are a Xenorian, you will roll 5D8. You only roll HP Die at the beginning of the game. The outcome of the HP Die becomes this score.
Maximum HP: This cell will populate with a number that reflects your total HP dice, your temporary HP, and the total found when you take your character level and multiply it by your Constitution score (Section 2).
Armor Points: If you are wearing protection, the value will be assigned by the protection stats. Enter the number into this cell.
Temporary HP: You may gain temporary HP during a campaign. Enter the points and it will increase your maximum HP accordingly. If you lose HP, but then gain temporary HP before healing, add to the temporary HP cell. Any damage you take after will first take away from the temporary HP. An easy way to keep track of deductions from temporary HP is enter the equal sign and the number of temporary HP (ex: =20), and then every time you take damage, deduct until you are back to 0 (ex: =20-6-8-6). You will be unable to go below 0, so if your damage will take you below 0 temporary HP, enter the amount that will take you to 0 and then take the remaining damage and add it back to total damage.
Total Damage: This reflects any damage that your character takes after accounting for armor points and temporary HP. If you take damage of any kind, it is going to affect your health point total. However, if you have armor points, you must first deduct physical damage from here. Placing a number here will cause the current HP number to decrease. More details can be found in Appendix C.
Total Healing: This indicates how many points you have recovered from the total damage cell. If you heal yourself and receive 10 HP when you only suffered 5 HP in total damage, the current HP will only increase by 5 because the maximum HP provides the cap for the current HP. If you take damage multiple times without healing, you can simply enter in each instance as an equation starting with the equal sign (“=”). For example, “=5+10+25+5”. Entering the number this way allows you to track all of your damage easily. The total will appear and the current HP will decrease accordingly. You can continue to add to the equation with each additional plus sign (“+”). When you do heal, start with an equal sign as well. If the total healing is less than the total damage, keep all numbers within the cell. If the total healing is equal to or greater than the total damage, or if the current HP matches the maximum HP, you can erase all of the numbers from total damage and total healing. If you keep the numbers, you can continue to add on damage and healing, but should do so until the total healing finally equals or becomes greater than the total damage (or the current HP matches the maximum HP), otherwise you may lose track of these numbers.
Current HP: This equals your maximum HP minus your total damage and adds in your total healing.
Initiative: This is equal to your Agility score (Section 2).
Advantage, Disadvantage, Immune, Resistant, Vulnerable: These are all automatically populated based on race and profession. You may gain additional ones along the way. Enter into the Notes if you do (Section 10).
Accuracy Points: These points are only granted to Gunslingers and equal your Agility score (Section 2).
Proficiency and Expertise: These are determined by your character level. Learn more about it from here.
Section 2: Abilities
Advantage/Disadvantage: If any of the abilities have an advantage or a disadvantage, indicate here using the checkboxes.
Score: After you roll for your ability scores, assign them here.
Specialty Points: Specialty points will automatically populate once the ability scores are entered.
Section 3: Skills
Proficient/Expert: If you have proficiency or expertise in any skills, indicate here using the checkboxes.
Advantage/Disadvantage: If you have an advantage or a disadvantage in any of the skills, indicate here using the checkboxes.
Bonus: If at any time you gain bonus points towards a skill, enter them here (ex: =1+2).
Score: This will automatically populate once the ability scores are entered plus any bonus points.
Section 4: Kits Inventory
List the kits you have and indicate using the checkboxes if you are proficient or an expert.
Section 5: Character Inventory
Inventory: Use these cells to keep track of items you possess.
Equipped: Use the checkboxes in this column to indicate if you have any items, such as weapons or armor, equipped, or usable during combat.
Quantity: Indicate how many of each item you possess. Deduct as you use or lose each item. Add as you recover or otherwise acquire more of the same items.
CC Cost: Most items you buy will be priced in common credits. Whatever the price or value of each item you possess, put that amount in this column. This should be the price/value of each individual item.
Total Value: Once the quantity and common credit cost is put into the sheet, the total cost will populate. Just enter the item, the number of items, and the cost of each item in common credits, and the total value in common credits will automatically populate.
If you run out of space, more is provided beneath the Notes (Section 11).
Section 6: Specialties
This section is divided into 10 parts. Each part has a specialty, the number of times each specialty can be used, and checkboxes to count off how many times each specialty was used between recharges.
Specialty: In these columns, starting with the first and second of the 10 parts going from left to right, race specific specialties that require the use of specialty points are presented. The race you choose will determine what specialty populates. All specialties will automatically populate based on your profession, race, and character level. Underneath each specialty, a number will appear. This number reflects how many times you can use this specialty.
Section 7: Mech Information
Mech Name: If you have a name for your mech, enter it here.
Mech Model: Choose the mech model you will be using. The model determines your mech's size, base speed, advantages, disadvantages, and any special features.
Operator Level: Similar to character level, this is determined by the number of experience points your character has as a mech operator. You are unable to modify this cell.
Operator Experience: These points will determine your operator level. You are unable to choose the operator level directly, you must enter in the appropriate number of experience points. Turn to the tab/sheet at the bottom of the workbook labeled “Lists”. This sheet will give you the operator experience points needed to put you at the level you wish to be. Just as with the character experience points, enter the value using the equal sign, that way as you earn experience points, you can add to this value by adding a plus sign and the number of additional points. The more you accomplish objectives or win battles while operating a mech, the more operator experience points you will gain.
Size: Determined by your mech model.
Speed: Determined by your mech model and your Engines score. See mech engines for more details.
Space Speed: Determined by your mech model, your Engines score and Reactor score. See mech engines for more details.
Maximum HP: This cell will populate with a number that reflects your base HP of 60, plus your temporary HP, and Hull score. See mech hull for more information.
Armor Points: Enter this number according to the armor your mech is wearing.
Temporary HP: Enter any temporary points your mech may be granted during the campaign. It will increase your maximum HP accordingly.
Total Damage: This reflects any damage that your mech takes after accounting for armor points and temporary HP. If you take damage of any kind, it is going to affect your hull point total. However, if you have armor points, you must first deduct physical damage from here. Placing a number here will cause the current HP number to decrease. More details can be found in the Basic Rules.
Total Repair: This indicates how many points you have recovered from the total damage cell. If you repair your mech and receive 10 HP when it only suffered 5 HP in total damage, the current HP will only increase by 5 because the maximum HP provides the cap for the current HP. If you take damage multiple times without repairing, you can simply enter in each instance as an equation starting with the equal sign (“=”). For example, “=5+10+25+5”. Entering the number this way allows you to track all of your damage easily. The total will appear and the current HP will decrease accordingly. You can continue to add to the equation with each additional plus sign (“+”). When you do repair, start with an equal sign as well. If the total repairs are less than the total damage, keep all numbers within the cell. If the total repairs are equal to or greater than the total damage, or if the current HP matches the maximum HP, you can erase all of the numbers from total damage and total repairs. If you keep the numbers, you can continue to add on damage and repairs, but should do so until the total repairs finally equals or becomes greater than the total damage (or the current HP matches the maximum HP), otherwise you may lose track of these numbers.
Current HP: This equals your maximum HP minus your total damage and adds in your total repairs.
Initiative: This is populated using your Engines score and Systems score (Section 8). Learn more about initiative here.
Evasion: This represents how quickly your mech can evade, or dodge, an engagement against it. This is populated using the Engines score (Section 8). Learn more about evasion here​.
Passive Scans: This cell is populated using the Systems score plus 10.
Advantage, Disadvantage, and Special Features: These cells are all automatically populated based on the mech model. You may gain additional ones along the way. Enter into the Notes (Section 11).
Section 8: Mech Abilities
Advantage/Disadvantage: If any of the abilities have an advantage or a disadvantage, indicate here using the checkboxes.
Score: Assign your ability scores here from the point pool. Click here to learn how mech abilities scores are determined.
CR: This stands for Challenge Rating. Any challenges against your mech's abilities must beat these scores. They are your mech's ability score + 12.
Points: Mech ability points will automatically populate once the ability scores are entered.
Mech Points Pool: This number will automatically populate based on the operator level. As you assign points to your mech ability score, this number will decrease. If this number shows a negative, you applied too many points to your abilities. Adjust the allocation so that this number has a minimum of 0. Negative numbers are not allowed.
Used Pool Points: This number indicates how many mech ability points you have allocated.
Program Slots: This number indicates how many programs that can be equipped by your mech.
Section 9: Mech Ability Points
This section has three categories (IP, RP, and SP) representing each of the three available ability points a mech has to use. There are checkboxes to count off how many times each ability point was used between recharges. The number of ability points for each category is indicated in the Mech Abilities section (Section 7).
Section 10: Mech Inventory
Inventory: Use these cells to keep track of items you possess for use by your mech or stored exclusively within your mech.
Equipped: Use the checkboxes in this column to indicate if you have any items, such as weapons or armor, equipped, or usable during combat.
Quantity: Indicate how many of each item you possess. Deduct as you use or lose each item. Add as you recover or otherwise acquire more of the same items.
QC Cost: Most items you buy for a mech will be priced in quantum credits. Whatever the price or value of each item you possess, put that amount in this column. This should be the price/value of each individual item.
Total Value: Once the quantity and quantum credit cost is put into the sheet, the total cost will populate. Just enter the item, the number of items, and the cost of each item in quantum credits, and the total value in quantum credits will automatically populate.
If you run out of space, more is provided beneath the Notes (Section 10).
Section 11: Notes
This section is available for you to add any notes or information that you would want to save as part of your character sheet as you go about your adventure. Write what you want, and as much as you want. Use the formula bar to navigate through this section if you add more information than can be displayed.
Section 12: Droid Information
This section is used when you build a guardian or battle droid. Simply select the droid model and all relevant fields will populate. Roll the number of HP Die equal to your Intelligence score to determine Total HP Dice score. Enter Temporary HP, Total Damage, and Total Repair as you would a mech (Section 7). If any of your droid's abilities gain an advantage or suffer a disadvantage, be sure to use the checkboxes available next to each ability. Refer to the Builder profession for more information.