Gunslingers are the hired runners of the galaxy. They are the ones doing all the dirty work for anyone that can afford their services. They are usually bounty hunters or mercenaries. Gunslingers normally operate solo, are generally well connected, and are quite knowledgeable. Although they prefer ranged energy weapons, as the name would allude, they are equally skilled in hand-to-hand combat and in the use of melee weapons. Gunslingers tend to be dependable, as they always try to fulfill the terms of their contracts. Gunslingers are generally nomadic, never bothering to set roots, as work keeps them mobile and makes it very difficult to make lasting relationships. They spend most of their time earning new contracts, but it doesn’t stop them from having fun or fulfilling their own personal desires.
Starting Equipment
Star chart of current star system (1)
TUIL (1)
Common Credits: 10D100+10D12
Government Credits: (Character Level)D100
Skills: Choose two from the following: Astronomy, Deception, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, and Stealth.
Kits: Stellar Cartography Kit and one more of your choice.
Armor: Light, Energy
Weapons: Ranged
Honing Skills
Ability Score Improvement (ASI)
Gunslingers spend very little time learning new skills that don’t directly help them in their work-for-hire lifestyle. They are rather content. When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th level, and at 16th level, you can gain expertise in one skill in which you are proficient.
Always facing danger, meeting new people, and gaining new experiences, Gunslingers mature rather quickly. When you reach 2nd level, and again at 5th level, 10th level, 15th level, and 20th level, you can increase one ability score by 1.
Experience With Kits
Gunslingers don’t have a need for kits like most others. They rely primarily on their wits and their weapons. When you reach 10th level and 18th level, you can gain proficiency in a kit or expertise in a kit you are already proficient.
Specialty Points
All Gunslingers have specialty points, which they use to determine how many times they can perform special actions. Gunslingers specialty points are primarily based on your Charisma score and Agility score.
Accuracy Points
Agility Score = Accuracy Points
1D12 + Agility Score = CR
Bullseye: When you engage with a ranged energy weapon, you can use two accuracy points to automatically hit the target, so long it is within your weapon’s range.
Point-Blank: When you engage with a ranged energy weapon, you can use two accuracy points to make the engagement roll a critical hit if it is above a 10. If you are within 5 feet of a target, you do not suffer a penalty on a ranged energy weapon.
Warning Shot: On your turn, you can use an action and one accuracy point to force a creature to make a Wisdom check. On a fail, the target, on its next turn, must use its full movement to get away from you and can’t take any action against you. The target can move in any direction, but can’t be forced into an unsafe space. The target can provoke opportunities while moving, but not from you.​ You must be equipped with a ranged energy weapon.
Immobilize: When you engage with a ranged energy weapon, and before you roll damage, you can use one accuracy point to reduce the target’s movement to 0 until the end of its next turn.
Mortar: When you engage with a ranged energy weapon, and after you roll damage, you can use one accuracy point to force the target to make a Strength check. On a fail, the target is pushed back 15 feet, regardless of the terrain, and knocked down. On a successful check, the target is pushed back but not knocked down.
Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunters move to the beat of their own drum, yet always ready for their next job. They are experienced and well traveled and don’t mind traveling with others, however it’s hard for them to develop long term relationships because at any point the person they care about could be their next bounty. For them, it’s never personal, it’s just business. Still, they are generally charismatic and have as many friends as they have enemies. They almost always owe as many favors as they are owed.

Mercenaries are individuals who take part in military conflict for personal profit, are otherwise outsiders to the conflict, and are not members of any other official military. Mercenaries fight for money or other forms of payment rather than for political interests. Mercenaries can also be hired as hitmen or assassins. They are expensive but you can rest assure that you will get results. Unlike bounty hunters, mercenaries don’t engage with people they haven’t known for a very long time, like prior to becoming a mercenary. They work alone and in the shadows. They are fearless and cunning. They are excellent hand-to-hand combatants and highly skilled in virtually any weapon they can get their hands on.
Bounty Hunter’s are charismatic, capable of charming even their bounty into giving up without a fight. At 2nd level, increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 10.
The very nature of a bounty hunter makes you an excellent investigator. At 4th level, you have an advantage on Investigation checks.
Your eyesight is more acute and you find it harder to miss your target. At 6th level, you are able to expend two specialty points to add a bonus to all engagements with energy ranged weapons, equal to 1D4. At level 12 you can use three specialty points for 1D8.
Specialty Points = Agility Score
Trigger Happy
At 8th level, you can add your Charisma to your Initiative.
You didn’t get this far on skill alone, part of your charm and success has always been on just plain luck. At 9th level, you can expend two specialty points to reroll 1D20 on any of your engagement rolls, evasion rolls, or ability checks. At 13th level, you can use three specialty points to force an opponent that you can see to reroll 1D20 on any of their engagement rolls against you, or ability checks against your CR. Once the additional D20 is rolled, you can decide on which of the rolls will be used. You must decide before the outcome is determined. This does not work with mechs.
Specialty Points = Charisma Score
To ensure you are able to catch your bounty, you become skilled at laying and detecting traps. You also become good at tracking. At 9th level, when laying a trap, the total of your check + 1D8 becomes the CR for someone else’s attempt to discover or disable the trap. The trap deals damage appropriate to the materials used in its creation and equal to half of the total of your check. You can add 1D4 bonus to any skill check used to locate or disable traps.
Double Barrel Gunner
At 12th level, and before your engagement, you can expend two specialty points to gain an additional engagement on your action. You can take one shot from two different equipped energy ranged weapons, so long as neither require two hands to operate, or you can fire twice from one weapon. You can choose a different target on the second engagement.
Specialty Points = Agility Score
Well Versed
You’ve become well traveled in your years and have learned quite a bit in that time. When you reach 14th level, you gain proficiency in all Sociology checks. If you are already proficient, you gain expertise. If you are already an expert, you have advantage.
Skilled Gunslinger
Constantly finding yourself in tough situations has improved your skills with a gun better than most. At 18th level, you are able to regain the number of accuracy points equal to 1D4 at the end of a short rest.
At 1st level, mercenaries know how to fight well. Add your Agility score to your unarmed engagements (Strength + Agility = Unarmed Engagement).
At 3rd level, you have an advantage on engagement rolls against any creature that hasn’t taken a turn in the combat yet.
You are at your deadliest when no one knows you are there. At 5th level, you can expend two specialty points and deal double the damage when you make any successful engagement roll against a creature that is unaware of your presence. You must decide prior to rolling for damage.
Specialty Points = Agility Score
At 6th level, you gain the dual-strike ability, allowing you to be able to engage the same target twice during an action with the same weapon. You gain proficiency with all melee weapons and advantage in all Stealth checks.
At 12th level you suffer no penalty or delay when equipping and unequipping weapons. With a secondary action and two specialty points, you can engage again with any one-handed melee weapon you possess, even if not equipped. If you don't have a free hand, and wish to use a weapon that is not equipped, you must drop or stow a weapon you are holding in order to equip and use the new one. This is a single engagement and you are unable to apply dual-strike.
Specialty Points = Agility Score
You are incredibly nimble and agile. At 8th level, you gain an advantage on Evasion checks. If you manage to succeed on an Evasion check and the effect of the engagement deals damage, you receive half damage. If the effect of the engagement deals half damage, you instead receive no damage. You can do this only once per round.
You are always one step ahead and have gathered the necessary intelligence to anticipate your enemies movements. At 10th level, you do not incur any opportunities against you whenever you move.
You can see further than most shooters and your aim is impeccable. At 12th level, you can expend one specialty point to reroll any ranged engagement roll, before bonuses or penalties added, that is lower than 10. You can do this as many times in a single action as you like so long as the rolls are lower than 10. Each subsequent roll will require an additional specialty point. When you are done rolling for engagement, or whenever the roll equals 10 or higher, you must use the highest number rolled and then add any bonuses or penalties. This does not apply while operating a mech.
Specialty Points = Agility Score
You are the epitome of stealth and deception. At 15th level, as an action and by expending four specialty points, you can create the impression that you are where you are not if you can not be seen, or that you intend to travel a route that you actually will not use if you are being followed. Roll for Deception and then add 1D8. This number becomes the CR for any creature who attempts to discern your true movements. On a fail, you determine where you wish a creature will believe you to be, so long it is within 120 feet of you. The location is restricted only to its practicality. For example, you can not say that your location is within a pit of fire but you can say you are in a specific room in a building even if you’ve never been in that room. You do not need to have detailed knowledge of the location, as a generalized location can suffice. The Architect will decide on what is reasonable. You can also decide which direction you would have the target believed you to have traveled. On a failed check, pick a direction and the target will follow it for no more than 120 feet, unless the direction is impeded by danger or a structure, thus ending the deception. You can only choose one deceptive tactic each time you use this feature.
At 18th level, your movements are untraceable. As an action, and with four specialty points, you can't be tracked except by magical means. You leave behind no tracks or other traces of your passage. This lasts for 3 hours and can not be used with a mech.
Specialty Points = Agility Score