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The Zenon Group

A multinational corporation run by twelve powerful GEHMs with a secret agenda.

Real Name: Timothy Fitzgerald

Title: Chief Executive Officer

Affiliation: The Zenon Group

Sex: Male

Height/Weight: 6’3; 215lbs

Date of Birth: August 18

Race: Caucasian

Nationality: Irish

Citizenship: United Kingdom; Republic of Ireland

Real Name: Debora Caprioglio

Title: Executive Vice President of Communications

Affiliation: The Zenon Group

Sex: Female

Height/Weight: 5’6; 140lbs

Date of Birth: September 10

Race: Caucasian

Nationality: Italian

Citizenship: Italian Republic; Hellenic Republic

Real Name: Jonathan Hamilton

Title: Executive Vice President of Marketing

Affiliation: The Zenon Group

Sex: Male

Height/Weight: Varies; typically 5’11; 185lbs

Date of Birth: October 15

Race: Caucasian

Nationality: Australian

Citizenship: United Kingdom; Australia; New Zealand

Real Name: Jerry Cheathem

Title: Executive Vice President of Human Resources

Affiliation: The Zenon Group

Sex: Male

Height/Weight: 5’11; 230lbs

Date of Birth: November 2

Race: African

Nationality: American

Citizenship: United States of America

Real Name: Ciralynn Book

Title: Executive Vice President of Compliance

Affiliation: Zenon Group

Sex: Female

Height/Weight: 4’3; 90lbs

Date of Birth: December 7

Race: African
Nationality: South African

Citizenship: Jamaica; United Kingdom; Republic of South Africa

Real Name: Mauricio Andres Moreno Hernandez Moreno Chaux

Title: Chief Operations Officer

Affiliation: The Zenon Group

Sex: Male

Height/Weight: 5’7; 145lbs

Date of Birth: January 9

Race: Caucasian

Nationality: Spanish

Citizenship: Kingdom of Spain

Real Name: Karl Nicodemus

Title: General Counsel

Affiliation: The Zenon Group

Sex: Male

Height/Weight: 5’10; 185lbs

Date of Birth: February 1

Race: Caucasian

Nationality: Austrian

Citizenship: Federal Republic of Germany

Real Name: Radha Khan

Title: Chief of Staff

Affiliation: The Zenon Group

Sex: Female

Height/Weight: 5’2, 120lbs

Date of Birth: March 20

Race: Asian

Nationality: Indian

Citizenship: United Kingdom; Republic of India

Real Name: Maksimilian Ivanovich Romanovsky

Title: Executive Vice President of Global Security

Affiliation: The Zenon Group

Sex: Male

Height/Weight: 6’0; 195lbs

Date of Birth: April 11


Nationality: Ukrainian

Citizenship: Russian Federation

Real Name: Yukichi Mori

Title: Chief Financial Officer

Affiliation: The Zenon Group

Sex: Male

Height/Weight: 5’9; 160lbs

Date of Birth: May 1

Race: Asian

Nationality: Japanese

Citizenship: Japan

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