One Earth Alliance
The One Earth Alliance was formed after the collapse of every major Earth government during the Great Occupation of 2081. The Great Occupation is the period in Earth's history when the Isyan Allegiance invaded and held control over the planet. Most metropolitans were leveled and over half the population was killed. After the United Interstellar Alliances (UIA) liberated Earth in 2153, the Xenorians and Brotillians worked with the Humans to rebuild and eventually join the UIA as an independent member. Over time, the Humans recovered and extended their reach beyond the boundaries of their home world, establishing a permanent presence beyond their solar system, and forged economic and military pacts with foreign powers.
Humans are a resourceful race that have been slow to enter the interstellar arena. However, now that they are part of the UIA, they have shown that their versatility and ingenuity surpasses older space-faring races. Humans are more physically diverse than most other races. Average adult Humans can range in height from less than 5 feet to over 6 feet tall and weigh from 125 to 350 pounds. Human skin shades range from nearly black to very pale. Their hair can grow anywhere on their bodies or nowhere at all, and the colors range from black to white, with a curly, kinky, or straight texture. Although colonized by an alien, their curiosity gets the best of them, and many who venture into space will find companionship with alien races, giving birth to children of mixed species. There is no one way to describe a Human. There are some who are xenophobic while there are others that are not, some are religious while others are not, and some are adventurous while others tend not be.