Mechanics keep everything in the galaxy working. They have a wealth of talent, knowhow, and versatility, serving as electricians, welders, and plumbers all at the same time. Some mechanics have explored their creative side and have become specialized in artificing, creating useful items that can perform a variety of purposes. From starbases to planet-side garage shops, mechanics can be found, quite literally, everywhere. No moon too harsh, no space station too remote, a mechanic is needed anywhere something may need to be fixed. They are the doctors for machines and no one wants to be without access to one. Fortunately, there are lots of mechanics and there is never a shortage, but, then again, there never seems to be a shortage of work, especially since mechs are constantly being built, tested, and used. Mechanics can always find a workaround to get something working again. One can consider them adventurous, since they are always willing to go wherever there is money to be made. Unlike engineers, mechanics tend to interact a lot with everyday people. In fact, mechanics regard machines simply as a means to a financial end.
Starting Equipment
Mechanic’s Toolkit (1)
TUIL (1)
Common Credits: 10D100+5D8+(Character Level)D20
Skills: Investigation
Kits: Mechanic’s Toolkit
Armor: Light, Energy
Weapons: Conventional
Honing Skills
Ability Score Improvement (ASI)
Mechanics learn by doing and their experience in the field varies. They are always developing new ways to get things done in less time for the same price. When you reach 3rd level, and again at 7th level, 10th level, 14th level, and 19th level you can gain proficiency in a skill, or expertise in a skill in which you are proficient.
Mechanics can be highly skilled in their craft, but oftentimes lack personal growth. When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th level, 13th level, and 17th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 1.
Experience With Kits
Mechanics rely on their hands as much as they rely on the kits that aid them in their work. They are well aware that a good mechanic is only as good as the tools at their disposal. When you reach 3rd level, and again at 7th level, 12th level, and 20th level you can gain proficiency in a kit or expertise in a kit you are already proficient.
Specialty Points
All mechanics have specialty points, which they use to determine how many times they can perform certain actions, such as repairing or creating. Mechanic specialty points are primarily based on your Intelligence score.
Mechanics that are artificers spend a considerable amount of time working on machine parts and gears. Artificers tend to stay indoors in comparison to their more adventurous counterpart, the machinist. They are more creative than other mechanics and people call upon them to create small objects that are usually made to aid them in some way. They can also enhance the properties of these items. Small objects are items that can generally fit in one hand (or equivalent) of a medium creature and weigh no more than 10 pounds.
Mechanics that are machinists are the ones that love to get their hands dirty. They are always working in, on, or under heavy machinery. Don’t be surprised to find a machinist taking something apart just to put it back together again. They enjoy learning new ways to repair old things. They are a mech operator’s closest companion as they can repair any structural damage done to virtually any machine. They can also work on the indoor plumbing or electrical systems inside a machine or structure, regardless of the size.
As an artificer, repairing items comes as natural to you as breathing. At 1st level, and with a secondary action, you can repair a single break or tear in any object made of wood or metal that you can touch, such as a broken chain link or two halves of a broken key. As long as the break or tear is no larger than 1 foot in any dimension, you can fix it, leaving no trace of the former damage. At 5th level, you can repair all of the breaks or tears in an object made of wood or metal that you can touch. The dimensions for each break or tear increase to 5 feet. You can’t physically repair magical items or droids. You are unable to repair items that contain a reactor or emit radiation. You can repair one object for each specialty point you use.
Specialty Points = Intelligence Score
As you grow as an artificer, you can create items that no one else can, with but only a mechanic’s kit. You can create or enhance as many objects as you are capable, so long as you take a short rest between each one. The objects must be made of wood or metal or a combination of both. The number of objects that can be created or enhanced is equal to your Intelligence score. You expend one specialty point for each object created. Anything beyond the maximum destroys the oldest object, replacing it with the new item. You must state the specific function of each item before you complete it. The item’s function can not be changed. A mech can not gain the benefits of an item made by tinkering. Each item is activated by an action of your choosing unless otherwise stated.
When you reach 3rd level, you can apply the following attributes to the object:
Shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet for 10 minutes.
Record a message that can be heard up to 15 feet away. The message can be no longer than 30 seconds. It can be video or audio, or a combination of both. The message can be played back three times.
Emit an odor or a nonverbal sound which can be perceived up to 30 feet away for 5 minutes.
Project an image that is no larger than 10-foot cubed in size, text that is no more than 30 words, or abstract lines and shapes that are no bigger than 10 feet in any dimension for 5 minutes.
Store digital information that is protected by a locking mechanism of your choice. Roll 1D10 and add your Intelligence score. This becomes the challenge rating of the locking mechanism whenever someone tries to access it. The data inside can be up to 500 individual documents, songs, videos, or records, or one document of 500 pages. Once unlocked it can not be locked again.
When you reach 6th level, you can create all 3rd level objects and you can increase the area of effect and distances for each of those items an additional 10 feet. You can apply the following attributes:
As a secondary action, instantaneously teleport yourself, and everything you are carrying, up to 30 feet in any direction, to an unoccupied space that you can see. You can not carry another creature or a droid. It only has three charges.
Provide an additional 1D10 electrical, fire, or acid damage to any weapon causing such damage. This has five charges.
Activate a personal force field as a reaction, adding a +30 to AP that lasts 1 minute. It only has one charge and only covers the user and everything they are carrying and no other creature.
When you reach 12th level, you can create all previous level items with the increased ranges and effects, and you can choose to do one of the following:
Increase the range of any energy weapon by 60 feet. This effect lasts for 1 minute once activated. This has only three charges.
Imbue any metallic melee weapon with the ability to emit an electromagnetic pulse, causing the target and anything within 5 feet of it with a Systems score to make a Systems check. Roll 1D10 and add your Intelligence score. This becomes the challenge rating of every Systems check. The wielder of the weapon can only use this feature after a successful engagement. On a failed check, the target is immobilized until the start of its next turn. Each imbued weapon has five charges.
Activate a shield that surrounds any creature or machine within a 15-foot cube at the point of activation. All within the barrier is invulnerable to engagements from outside the shield. The shield lasts for 30 seconds. Nothing may enter the shield while activated. Once the shield is activated, the device can not be moved. Nothing in the shield is granted this protection from anything else within it. Anything within can leave the shield at any time. Anything partly in the shield, when activated, will be pushed out of the shield. The device has one charge. This doesn't protect against effects that can be created within the shield.
Specialty Points = Intelligence Score
At 7th level, you are proficient in using your tools as a weapon. When you are equipped with a mechanic’s kit, you can add 1D4 to your unarmed damage roll. You can add 1D8 at 15th level. If you are not in possession of a mechanic’s kit, the Architect can allow you to use comparable tools that you may find.
Bot Developer
At 9th level, you can use an action and 3 hours to build bots, tiny robotic companions that can perform one of the following:
Bot Protector: The bot uses your reaction to intercept attacks, reducing all damage by half. If damage is already halved, damage is further reduced by half, rounded down. The bot’s reaction is automatic and lasts for 1 minute.
Bot Mimicry: The bot is programmed to copy a successful energy engagement against you and add it to your next melee weapon engagement. On a hit, the target takes an extra 1D8 damage of the triggering type. If you fail to hit on the engagement, the bot loses the charge. At 12th level, the damage becomes 2D8. At 18th level, the damage becomes 3D8.
Bot Shock: The bot uses its internal electrical charge to assist you in close quarters combat. The bot wraps itself around your hands and delivers an electrical shock to a creature you touch with an unarmed engagement. On a success, the target takes an additional 1D6 electricity damage, and it can't take reactions until the start of its next turn. If the target is composed of metal or wearing metal armor, double the damage. The damage increases by 1D6 when you reach 12th level (2D6), and 18th level (3D6).
You expend two specialty points to create each bot. You can have only one bot at a time. You can destroy a bot whenever you want. Creating an additional bot will destroy the oldest one. At 12th level, you can perform these as a secondary action and have two bots at a time.
Specialty Points = Intelligence Score
Diagnostics Operator
As an artificer, your knowledge about the inner workings of machines can be valuable to engineers. At 11th level, with an action and a diagnostics software kit, you can perform background monitoring of any machine’s operations for 1D12 hours. You can perform this action once per long rest. You must first have had direct access to the machine’s computer core at the time of carrying out the action. Such monitoring will allow you to know everything about the machine’s operations and alert you of any activities that you wish to know. You can also track its location within Scanner range and know the identity of the machine operator. You can only monitor one machine at a time. Your connection can be severed by magic, if the target’s computer core is damaged, or if the operator of the target machine does a Programming check. Roll 1D10 and add your Programming score and your diagnostics kit proficiency to determine the CR that will be used for every Programming check made against it. If the machine's HP is reduced to 50% of its maximum, you must roll 1D20 and add your Programming score against the Architect. The Architect rolls 1D20 with advantage. If your score beats the Architect, you are able to maintain the connection.
Tough Skin
At 2nd level your armor points (AP) is equal to your character level, plus any armor you may be wearing. You restore this type of AP after a long rest. At 12th level you can restore this type of AP after a short rest.
Hard Worker
You’ve worked in some inhospitable environments and endured long hours keeping things running. At 3rd level you can increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 10.
At 4th level, you can add proficiency to Investigation checks. If you are already proficient, you now have expertise. If you already have expertise, you have an advantage.
At 5th level, you can restore the hull points of any machine not in combat, including mechs, that you can touch, with an action equal to 2D6 + your Intelligence score. You expend a specialty point each time you perform this act. At 11th level, with two specialty points you can restore hull points to any mech equal to 2D12 + your Intelligence score. At 18th level, with three specialty points you can increase it to 2D20 + Intelligence score.
At 5th level, you are able to restore the armor points of any armor that requires the skill of an welder. For two specialty points, you can restore AP at a rate of 1D6 AP for an hour of work.
Specialty Points = Intelligence Score
When you spend enough time on strange planets, you learn how to defend yourself. At 7th level, you can add your Wisdom score to your Evasion checks. You also gain proficiency in all melee weapons.
At 8th level, you are proficient in using your tools as a weapon. When you are equipped with a mechanic’s kit, you can add 1D4 to your unarmed damage roll. You can add 1D8 at 18th level. If you are not in possession of a mechanic’s kit, the Architect can allow you to use comparable tools that you may find.
Strong Shoulders
After years of moving heavy equipment around, you gain a stronger frame. At 10th level, you can increase your Strength ability score by 1, to a maximum of 10.
Hull Technician
At 11th level, and again at 20th level, you can increase the Hull score for any mech you operate by 1, to a maximum of 10. The bonus only applies while you are operating the mech.